
One World magazine


Text by Klaas van Dijken for One Wold magazine. If you don't read dutch,  you can just look at the pictures ; ) Please click on the image to view the slideshow.

One World magazine


Text by Klaas van Dijken for One Wold magazine. If you don't read dutch,  you can just look at the pictures ; ) Please click on the image to view the slideshow.

Al Jazeera In Pictures

In Pictures: The hunt for al-Shabab

African Union troops continue their struggle to push al-Shabab out of Somalia.

Please click on the photo to view the full slideshow. 

France 24

In photos: Tracking al Shabaab in Somalia

Please click on the photo to view the slideshow on the original site.



I made a brief visit to the MSF hospital for South Sudanese refugees in Lietchuor, Ethiopia. A majority of the children that I photographed were suffering from either measles or malnutrition. According to an MSF doctor the health of the refugee children had deteriorated since their arrival in the Ethiopian refugee camp. The Ethiopian government is denying most journalists and photographers access to the camp. Please click on the image below to view the slideshow. 

Magnum Photos Blog

Excited to see my 'Women of the KIA' story up on the Magnum Photos Blog. On top of being super excited to be chosen as one of Magnum's top '30 Under 30', I owe a HUGE thank you to those who helped to make this selection one of the top three for the '30 Under 30: People's Choice Award'. Please click on the image below to view the slideshow. 

Al Jazeera in Pictures

In Pictures: Along the river

In a remote town in South Sudan, a team of doctors perform surgeries without electricity or running water. My text and slideshow for Al Jazeera. Please click on the image to view the full story. 

The burned remains of a Nuer home in Juba, South Sudan

Black layers of soot coat the walls of Phar’s house. In the bedroom only the skeletons of beds remain standing amongst piles of charred belongings. The flames of the fire had been so intense that a light switch had nearly melted off of the wall. Dinka SPLA government forces had torched the house on December 16, in the predominately Nuer neighborhood of Mia Saba in Munuki West, Juba, South Sudan. Two months later the area still remains a ghost town as the Nuer community continues to seek refuge at two UN bases in Juba, which now shelter more than 45,000 civilians.


Al Jazeera


One of the most frightening experiences that I've ever had was walking through this abandoned Nuer neighborhood in Juba. Even though it had been nearly a month since the killings took place soldiers still wandered from house to house and evidence of violence was everywhere. After our third visit to the neighborhood we received a surprise visit from six heavily armed men from National Security. We were warned never to visit that area of the city again.

Text by Klaas van Dijken and a few of my photos for Al Jazeera. To see the full piece please click on the image below. 


Outside of the Egyptian Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya protesting the arrest of the Al Jazeera staff that have now been detained in Egypt for 38 days for simply doing their work as journalists. My close friend Peter Greste is among those being held. 


Fighting comes to Awerial, South Sudan

On the morning of January 22nd while out to photograph food distribution at the IDP camp containing over 84,000 people, three badly wounded SPLA government solders arrived at a clinic in Minkamen, Awerial, South Sudan. Fighting had broken out that same morning 25km south of the IDPs, once again causing people who had already fled their homes to run deeper into the bush for safety.  A few hours later over 100 aid workers evacuated the area. 


Boy shot in UN compound in Juba, South Sudan

On the 3rd of January Doctor Keah, age 14, was shot twice by the government forces, the mainly Dinka SPLA, while he was collecting water inside the IDP camp. The government soldiers shot down into the UN compound from a nearby construction site. The UNMISS compound now contains at least 17,459 people of the Nuer tribe who are seeking refuge in Tong Ping, Juba, South Sudan. 

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Breakfast is included with the $11/night room at "Obama's Afrikan Village", Juba-Nimule Rd, South Sudan, November 30, 2013.

Breakfast is included with the $11/night room at "Obama's Afrikan Village", Juba-Nimule Rd, South Sudan, November 30, 2013.

Kapoeta to Torit

Early morning on the road from Kapoeta to Torit, escorted by Rwandan UN peacekeepers in Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan, November 29, 2013.

Early morning on the road from Kapoeta to Torit, escorted by Rwandan UN peacekeepers in Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan, November 29, 2013.

         Happy Thanksgiving from my little home in South Sudan! 

         Happy Thanksgiving from my little home in South Sudan! 

Celebratory portraits from the unilateral referendum in Abyei

The border region of Abyei held a unilateral referendum on the 27-29 of October, in which 64,433 ballots were cast to determine unity with either Sudan or South Sudan. After counting each ballot by hand the results were announced on the 31st of October, with 99.99% of the votes for South Sudan.  The vote has not been recognized by Sudan, South Sudan, the United Nations, or the African Union, although this did not stop the Ngok Dinka community in Abyei from celebrating.

Al Jazeera Magazine: Saving sight in South Sudan

Al Jazeera Magazine: The Health Issue

The main causes of blindness in South Sudan are cataracts, trachoma and onchocerciasis (river blindness). I spent time with a team of surgeons while they performed trachoma and cataract surgeries without running water or electricity in Nasir, South Sudan. To download the magazine please click here.

VOA Interview - South Kordofan

I spoke with the Voice of America about my recent trip to South Kordofan, Sudan.

The interview aired yesterday on 'South Sudan in Focus'.

You can listen to the interview (minute 14:30-18:30) by clicking here